5 Sugar Daddy Grooming Essentials

5 Sugar Daddy Grooming Essentials

A sugar daddy should look dashing and smart. SugarDaddyCaptial will make sure you perfect that look with this list of 5 sugar daddy grooming essentials. Check out our list of grooming tips below and make sure you’re in top form for your sugar baby.

Tip #1: Basic Hygiene

Poor basic hygiene is never excusable. Shower every day. Wash with body. Wash your face. Wash your hair. Brush your teeth. Gargle some mouthwash. Put on deodorant. It’s called “basic” hygiene for a reason. It’s not hard to work these things into a quick morning routine. At the VERY least, these are the grooming aspects that you should be taking care of. Tip #1: Basic Hygiene

Tip #2: Keep Your Hair (All Of It!) Neat and Trimmed

When you are sugar baby dating, neat and tidy head, facial, and body hair are all very important. Get regular haircuts once a month and make sure you are paying more than $30. If you can find a hair stylist that also does facial hair, even better! And if you are balding: lose your hair gracefully. That means NO COMBOVERS.

Tip #3: Invest In Tailored Clothing

Nothing looks better than a man in a well-tailored suit. Trust us: if there’s one thing that is going to make a sugar baby’s head turn, it will be this. Invest in at least one tailored or custom-made suit to begin with, but you also want to look at shoes, shirts, and accessories as time goes on. Tip #3: Invest In Tailored Clothing<

Tip #4: Hands Are Important

You know what they say about guys with big hands, right? They need more moisturizer! Okay, that was a bad joke, but seriously: MOISTURIZE. We’ve heard plenty of sugar daddies scoff at this tip, but no sugar baby likes a man with rough, dry hands! Also, keep your nails trimmed and consider getting a manicure!

Tip #5: A Great Smile Goes A Long Way

One of the very first things a woman notices about a man is his smile and teeth and you want to make sure you are giving off a good first impression! To get the great smile and teeth that sugar babies are looking for make sure you see your dentist twice a year, brush twice a day, and floss at least once a day—for starters. There are also lots of options out there for whitening procedures and cosmetic dentistry.

Get A Hot New Sugar Baby To Match Your Hot New Look

If you do not already have a sugar baby of your own, then what are you waiting for? We know that rich dating sites can seem too good to be true, but we have personally tested out the most popular sugar daddy dating sites and two of the best sugar baby dating sites we tested out were PayForOurDates.com and WealthyMen.com. We can vouch for both and tell you that we found success with sugar babies on both. Click on either site name to see our reviews and get started!